Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Mathew Blakeway
  • Joubertina, Eastern Cape
  • South Africa
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Mathew Blakeway's Friends

  • David 'PcolaPaddler'
  • Andy "Fillet em" Eitutis
  • james bluto gillette
  • carl hendrix
  • Vince Fusco
  • chris kowaleski
  • Leo Nguyen
  • David, aka, "McScruff"
  • Keith Ritter
  • Jeffrey D. Abney
  • dick tabbert
  • Tony Livingston
  • Lord of the Fly , Rods

Mathew Blakeway's Groups

Mathew Blakeway's Discussions

A Big Thank You!
16 Replies

I just received mt parcel and I was blown away by what was in it! I really don't know what to say, there is so many awesome things in it, I have never seen so many flies before. I just want to say…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by carl hendrix Mar 10, 2014.

Casting in Windy Conditions!
3 Replies

We have very strong winds in the afternoon, is there a way to cast your fly? I battle to cast it, unless I cast with the wind. Then I get record casts! Is there a casting technique that helps you…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Leo Nguyen Feb 20, 2014.

Blue Gill at Night?
26 Replies

I was wondering if you can catch BG when it gets dark, I did read that they find food mostly by sight. Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by David, aka, "McScruff" Feb 15, 2014.

Another Question!
8 Replies

This morning when I went fishing I could see 3 bass swimming around so I cast/dropped my fly right in front of it. They went towards, but then just ignored it! I tried again and again, but nothing.…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Vince Fusco Jan 23, 2014.

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Mathew Blakeway's Page

Profile Information

What date is Independence Day?
July 4
What type of animal is a bluegill?
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!
Eastern Cape

Mathew Blakeway's Photos

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Mathew Blakeway's Blog

My First Cast With a Fly Rod

My first cast with a fly rod was not brilliant, it was not even okay. To be honest it was downright terrible, but that's not the end of the story. I got given my fly rod on 14'th December 2013, I remember the day was cool and cloudy. I was a bit nervous casting the fly rod, to me there was always something special and almost magical about throwing a weightless fly. I had received some instructions from the person who gave me the rod, not very good or helpful. So I stripped some line form the…


Posted on January 28, 2014 at 10:35pm — 6 Comments

Adventure #2

Adventure #2

I made a resolution for this year to have one fishing adventure every weekend, this is one of those New Year’s resolutions that will be easy to do.

I spotted a beautiful dam, using Google earth, deep in the hills. So this morning I set off, with my rod slung in its tube slung over my back, like a medieval great sword. I was sure I had forgotten nothing behind.

I started the long cycle, mostly uphill, to the dam. It was long,…


Posted on January 18, 2014 at 4:11am — 3 Comments

Mountain Dam Adventure

Blog Post #2

I decided on the spur of the moment to cycle

to the town dam this morning, so with my rod safely in the pvc pipe case I made. And all my stuff in a back pack. The cycle was tiring, but the scenery is beautiful. On my way there I disturbed a female…


Posted on January 12, 2014 at 6:02am — 8 Comments

Blue Gill Joubertina, Eastern Cape South Africa

The Beginning:

There are only two types of fish here; the overly praised bass and the belittled Blue Gill. There are no other fish, the ocean is 3 hours drive away and the trout and yellowfish are many hours away(I couldn't afford that anyway)

No one knows for sure how BG got here, but they are here now and I am grateful. It is not even…


Posted on January 8, 2014 at 8:15am — 8 Comments

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 10:50am on January 18, 2014, Jeffrey D. Abney said…

Welcome Mathew and we are enjoying your input buddy.......

At 11:34am on January 12, 2014, DAVID L EITUTIS said…


At 1:27pm on January 8, 2014, David, aka, "McScruff" said…

Thanks for the friend request, sir. Good to have among the enlightened ones.

At 6:33am on January 8, 2014, carl hendrix said…

hi buddy-- thanks for the friends request thing. one thing for sure  if we don't have the real correct answer-- we can kid you a lot about it-- LOL!!!

At 8:46am on January 7, 2014, dick tabbert said…

Thank you Mathew I would be honored to be a friend on your friends list. Any time I can help please jump in and ask away. If I don't know the answer we'll find it out some how some where or if you just want to talk feel free I love to talk especially fishing.

At 7:43pm on January 5, 2014, dick tabbert said…

Welcome Mathew to Big Bluegill. I am also a member of Big Bluegill wanting to welcome you and to share some of what goes on here at the site. This is a site with loads of information where we can learn and enjoy in what we like doing best, fishing. In this site we have loads of information we can feed off of and share and learn and having a good time doing so. We have FORUMS, BLOGS, CHAT ROOM, SPECIAL GROUPS, VIDEO'S, and the best PHOTO'S you can find anywhere on the internet. Feel free to jump in and investigate the site it is loaded with information and above all don't be afraid to participate we are all still in the learning process and improving and honing our skills making us better fishermen/fisherwoman and enjoying it all throughout the process.

What you personally may add my be that little extra something that we can put in our own little bag of tricks something we can use to make us better fisher people ourselves.

We are all about Bluegill, Big Bluegills ( Bluegills, Sunfishes, Red Ears, Brim family) but not to stop there you will read about many different species of fish even some you may not have known even existed in the Bluegill world and forums with many picture to share, but our main goal is catching that ultimate giant Gill so we can meet that special goal and maybe some bragging rights along the way. Its just a good well rounded site with loads of information with good people a family atmosphere who don't mind sharing, we have loads of fun doing so which you will see.

Our Video section that will keep your blood pumping and make you want to be fishing on that special lake or river fishing your heart out. (TAKE A KID AND DADS FISHING) such a great high. Above all we want you to enjoy yourself don't be afraid to share some of your fishing experiences with us we would love to hear about them please don't be afraid to share your exact lakes with me with all GPS coordinates and the exact baits you used it will be our little secret.

We have the best Photo's on the web some being so good you will be in aw and they are so addictive you'll keep coming back for more, there is truly some beautiful stuff there posted for our BBG family. We all love to share and share we do with some breath taking photo's. It will take you hours to see then all and you'll enjoy every m


Latest Activity

John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Slept great that night, Dick! Nice being out there!"
18 hours ago
dick tabbert commented on John Sheehan's photo


"WTG John."
19 hours ago
dick tabbert commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Looks like an eater to me."
19 hours ago
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Yes, brightened my mood, Jeffrey! This was my first Fish that day."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Thanks Jeffrey! Some fine Perch and Gills finally! Looking to get a few more outings in before ice…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Good deal…..a taste of what you’ve been hoping for John…..nice fish through the…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Very nice John…."
John Sheehan commented on Sam k.'s group Trout Bums
"Gregs July caught 3#1o..21" Rainbow Trout "
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
"Thanks, Dick! You getting out at all?  I got skunked the 1st three times on the ice this year…"
dick tabbert commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
"Nice going John."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group Piscatorial Pursuit of Perch
"Some nice Gills and Perch and a Bullhead through the ice for the three of us. My total was 13 with…"
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group East coast Ice fisherman
John Sheehan posted photos
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's album


"These four kept of 13 caught. 12 out of the same hole is always great!"
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group East coast Ice fisherman
"Some nice Gills and Perch and a Bullhead through the ice for the three of us. My total was 13 with…"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo

1stice Fish 2025

"Oh, good! Don't want loser anyone."
Feb 9
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

1stice Fish 2025

"We have 5-6" of ice, Bruce! The 3" is the snow we got last night."
Feb 9
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

1stice Fish 2025

"We have 5-6" of ice, Bruce! The 3" is the snow we got last night."
Feb 9

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